Set up an Android Emulator on your PC

today I am going to tell you how to set up an android emulator on your pc. If you are really interested in learning Android and don’t want to buy a compatible phone so, for that we have a solution fo this problem i.e. to setup an android emulator on your pc. Inside the emulator you will get the full environment of Android.

Download the Required material from here:-

    JDK (java development kit)
    Android SDK  (


Install the Java development Kit in your PC

Then Install Android SDK .

Now open the Android SDK.
12 Set up an Android Emulator on your PC

Now check mark  the version of Android you want to install and click on install package button.

23 Set up an Android Emulator on your PC

Accept all packages for installation.

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After installation of packages open the Avd manager and click on new option

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Follow the below screenshot and fill the information.

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Then click on  the option create.

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Now by clicking start option start the Android virtual emulator, that’s it. Now use Android on Emulator.

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Finally Android Emulator is started

81 Set up an Android Emulator on your PC


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