Resume Action Verbs
Here are action verbs you can use in your resume to increase the importance and power of your resume making mundane work experience and work history seem more valuable and complicated. The method in which you write and the words that you use are as important the information itself. Active, energetic wording will attract more of your interviewer's attention than do dull or passive words. action verbs for your resume The action verb "created" sounds more important and accomplished than the mundane word "started". Whereas using the action verb "promoted" is much more attention grabbing than "working on".
The very first word that you use to describe one of your skills, duties, or qualifications can make the difference between an impressive or non-impressive resume.
Try to substitute some of the action verbs from the list below for less powerful verbs.
Just replacing your mundane verbs with these action verbs can "kick your resume up a notch" to get you noticed.
Accelerate | Accomplish | Acquire | Achieve | Activate | Authorize | Award | Allocate |
Adapt | Administer | Advise | Align | Arrange | Attain | Assist | Assign |
Analyze | Apply | Appraise | Approve | Assess | Assemble | Budget | Build |
Calculate | Change | Chart | Clarify | Classify | Coach | Collaborate | Collect |
Combine | Communicate | Compare | Compile | Complete | Compose | Compute | Conclude |
Conduct | Configure | Connect | Conserve | Consolidate | Construct | Consult | Contact |
Contribute | Control | Convert | Convey | Convince | Coordinate | Counsel | Critique |
Cultivate | Customize | Decide | Declare | Decline | Dedicate | Define | Delegate |
Deliver | Demonstrate | Depreciate | Describe | Design | Determine | Develop | Devise |
Diagnose | Direct | Dispatch | Dispense | Distribute | Document | Draft | Edit |
Emphasize | Encourage | Enforce | Engineer | Enhance | Ensure | Establish | Estimate |
Evaluate | Examine | Execute | Expand | Expedite | Explain | Facilitate | Finance |
Focus | Forecast | Formulate | Foster | Fund | Furnish | Gain | Generate |
Guide | Hire | Host | Identify | Illustrate | Implement | Improve | Improvise |
Increase | Index | Influence | Inform | Initiate | Innovate | Inspire | Install |
Institute | Integrate | Interact | Interview | Introduce | Investigate | Itemize | Join |
Justify | Launch | Learn | Lecture | Led | Link | Maintain | Manage |
Map | Market | Measure | Mediate | Merge | Mobilize | Modify | Monitor |
Motivate | Negotiate | Observe | Obtain | Operate | Order | Organize | Originate |
Outpace | Outperform | Participate | Perform | Persuade | Plan | Prepare | Present |
Prevent | Prioritize | Produce | Program | Promote | Propose | Prospect | Prove |
Provide | Publicize | Purchase | Pursue | Qualify | Rate | Recommend | Reconcile |
Recruit | Record | Reduce | Refer | Refocus | Reorganize | Regulate | Repair |
Replace | Report | Represent | Research | Restore | Restructure | Retrieve | Review |
Revise | Revitalize | Schedule | Select | Secure | Serve | Share | Showcase |
Simplify | Solve | Sponsor | Standardize | Staff | Suggest | Summarize | Supervise |
Supply | Support | Surpass | Survey | Target | Teach | Test | Track |
Train | Transform | Translate | Transport | Unite | Update | Upgrade | Validate |
Verify | Volunteer | Yield |
The action words in resume vary with the varying work fields. Following is the list of action verbs for representing different skills and job duties:
- Action Words for General Accomplishments:
Reached, Accomplished, Achieved, Proved, Improved, Affected, Constructed, Delivered, Changed, Inspired, Adapted, Adjusted, Advanced, Coached, Assigned, Awarded, Influenced, Contacted, Exceeded, Executed, Completed, Decreased, Increased, Reduced, Enhanced, Enlarged, Established, Initiated, Innovated, Succeeded, Motivated, Originated - Action Words for Management and Leadership:
Directed, Managed, Lead, Balanced, Originated, Conducted, Aspired, Decided, Carried Out, Coordinated, Handled, Supervised, Hired, Activated, Active In, Acted, Launched, Arranged, Utilized, Took Over, Planed, Forecast, Guided, Motivated - Action Words for Researchers, Solving skills and Development:
Designed, Defined, Analyzed, Assessed, Diagnosed, Evaluated, Built, Developed, Combined, Adapted, Created, Produced, Converted, Corrected, Fixed, Examined, Installed, Programmed, Adjusted, Provided, Solved - Action Words for Analysts:
Identified, Consulted, Advised, Validated, Diagnosed, Analyzed, Evaluated, Examined, Suggested
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