
Showing posts from January, 2012

Use "Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC)" to get the list of all installed programs

Windows comes with a command line version of the Management Instrumentation (WMIC). To get the list of all installed programs in a text file, simply enter the following command in a prompt: wmic product > c:\product.txt *********************************************************** To get a list of installed apps on a remote PC you can do the command: wmic /node:"PC NAME" product list and redirect it to a file using file redirections *********************************************************** To get the List of installed Windows Updates using WMIC: wmic qfe get > c:\list.txt

Batch program to list the softwares installed

echo List of softwares > software_list.txt echo ================= >>software_list.txt reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall temp1.txt find "DisplayName" temp1.txt| find /V "ParentDisplayName" > temp2.txt for /f "tokens=2,3 delims==" %%a in (temp2.txt) do (echo %%a >> software_list.txt) del temp1.txt temp2.txt

SETH GODIN: If You're An Average Worker, You're Going Straight To The Bottom

Source: The way we do business is changing fast and in order to keep up, your entire mentality about work has to change just as quickly. Unfortunately, most people aren't adapting fast enough to this change in the workplace, says marketing guru Seth Godin in an interview with the Canadian talk show "George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight" (via Pragmatic Capitalism). According to the founder of and author of 13 books, the current "recession is a forever recession" because it's the end of the industrial age, which also means the end of the average worker. "For 80 years, you got a job, you did what you were told and you retired," says the former vice pres...

Loading Cisco OS image via TFTP in ROMMON

rommon 11 > IP_ADDRESS= rommon 12 > IP_SUBNET_MASK= rommon 13 > DEFAULT_GATEWAY= rommon 14 > TFTP_SERVER= rommon 15 > TFTP_FILE=c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.124-13a.bin rommon 16 > tftpdnld . IP_ADDRESS: IP_SUBNET_MASK: DEFAULT_GATEWAY: TFTP_SERVER: TFTP_FILE: c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.124-13a.bin TFTP_MACADDR: 00:13:80:7b:20:1e TFTP_VERBOSE: Progress TFTP_RETRY_COUNT: 18 TFTP_TIMEOUT: 7200 TFTP_CHECKSUM: Yes FE_PORT: 0 FE_SPEED_MODE: Auto Detect . Invoke this command for disaster recovery only. WARNING: all existing data in all partitions on flash will be lost! Do you wish to continue? y/n: [n]: y ... Receiving c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.124-13a.bin from !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... ...

Resetting Cisco Hardphone to Factory Default Settings

In order to factory reset a Cisco hardphone use the following sequence: Step 1 Unplug the power cable from the phone and then plug it back in.The phone begins its power up cycle. Step 2 While the phone is powering up, and before the Speaker button flashes on and off, press and hold #. Continue to hold # until each line button flashes on and off in sequence in amber. Step 3 Release # and press 123456789*0#. You can press a key twice in a row, but if you press the keys out of sequence, the factory reset will not take place. After you press these keys, the line buttons on the phone flash red and the phone goes through the factory reset process. This process can take several minutes. Do not power down the phone until it completes the factory reset process and the main screen appears.

How to solve the "203-Bad number of parameters (1 with min/max=2/2)" error, when importing prebuilt GNS3 labs


Public DNS Servers

Google’s Public DNS Server If you want you can read what Google has to say about the Google’s Public DNS . OpenDNS DNS Server DNSadvantage DNS Server Pakistan’s PTCL Broadband DNS Server Pakistan’s BrainNET DNS Server